Year in Full Registration (Summer 1 2025-Spring 2 2026)
30% off tuition for adult students who register for year long participation. Year-in-full students are guaranteed a spot in their specific weekly class for every six week session of the 2025-2026 school year. Dancers may switch their day of the week during the year, and/or make up missed classes in other class days, so long as space allows.
Supplemental classes including Friday PBT and Sunday pointe classes are free with year-in-full registration in their corresponding technique class.
Dancers may register for 1-4 weekly adult ballet classes. Tap and belly dance classes are not included in the year-in-full discount.
$795 by check or cash payable to Integral Ballet. Please submit cash or check payments no later than June 2, 2025.
$827 by credit card
Supplemental classes including Friday PBT and Sunday pointe classes are free with year-in-full registration in their corresponding technique class.
Dancers may register for 1-4 weekly adult ballet classes. Tap and belly dance classes are not included in the year-in-full discount.
$795 by check or cash payable to Integral Ballet. Please submit cash or check payments no later than June 2, 2025.
$827 by credit card